January 20, 2015

How to Tell if Your Retirement Nest Egg Is Big Enough

If you are nearing retirement or already there... "This Calculation Might Prompt You to Take Some Winnings Off the Table—Before It’s Too Late."  William J. Bernstein is a very highly regarded investment expert with an engaging writing style so go ahead and read what he has to say about asset allocation in light of the almost 6 year old bull market: 
"During past bull markets, many Americans nearing retirement fleetingly acquired a nest egg adequate for later life. Then, as quickly as that nest egg came, it went—leaving behind regret, sleepless nights, and in the worst case, panic selling near the bottom that eliminated any possibility of recovery.
This happened in the late 1990s, as the tech-stock bubble produced a blizzard of paper millionaires that melted away faster than a cherry snow cone in August. It happened in the mid-2000s, as Americans grew ever more comfortable with stock-heavy portfolios and with treating their home equity as an ATM, only to be savaged by the worst financial crisis since the Depression.
And it will happen again. In March, the current bull market will be six years old. It might run an additional six years—or end in April. Regardless, the lesson from financial history is clear:
When you’ve won the game, stop playing." Read the full article at:

1 comment:

  1. We can never be sure if our nest egg saving is more than enough to sustain us all throughout our retirement. Because we can meet a lot of unexpected events or situation, there's no way we can determine if our entire saving including our assets will last. One of the best thing to do, to ease our worry about the future is to plan for it as early as now. Build protection against unexpected expenses which includes long term care. Get an insurance if you can, as it can protect you from financial catastrophe. Check some insurance quotes online to help you determine how much an insurance will affect your current finances and so you can make necessary adjustments to make room for it. Planning and protection will build confidence for you ta finally say "I'm ready for retirement".


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