April 23, 2018

Google may be a bigger privacy risk than Facebook

Christopher Mims, writing for The Wall Street Journal (4/23/18) explains that "Alphabet's Google is a far bigger threat by many measures." Based on the amount of information gathered, Google's tracking procedures, and the amount of time people spend on its apps and sites, poses a far bigger risk to privacy than does Facebook. "Few of us realize the extent to which our data is being collected and used." It is a systemic problem that most consumers don't recognize. Google Analytics collects data from up to 50 million websites, including the largest U.S. companies; "it tracks you whether or not you are logged in." Google uses "browsing and search history, apps you installed, demographics and where you've shopped. Google collects Android users' call and text history; to a much greater degree than Facebook's access to Apple's iphone.
European Union privacy rules make it much easier for users to understand what data are being gathered and how it is being used. Google opposes the California Consumer Privacy Act, a November 2018 ballot measure.
Time to think carefully about your online activities.

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