May 12, 2016

Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning & other Legal Topics

A great resource for estate planning is the NOLO website:
Nolo was started by a group of lawyers who felt you shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars to get competent legal information and advice. In addition to selling books (the real thing and e-books) on a wide range of legal topics, the Nolo website provides an amazing amount of free information. For most people with simple lives (and not a string of ex-spouses with kids) you can write your own will for a fraction of the cost of what an attorney would charge. A great thing about the Nolo resources is they are very careful to alert you to situations where you really do need to consult an attorney. Their materials are well written in a lively manner and with a sense of humor. Check them out. Even if you are convinced you need a lawyer, you can save hundreds of dollars by educating yourself and preparing before you meet with an attorney.

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