July 15, 2016

Fixed- Income Investments

The Motley Fool provides a clear explanation of a variety of fixed-income investments and strategies to make the most of this part of one's portfolio. Especially with today's ultra-low interest rates, it is important to manage your investments strategically. With the Dow hitting record levels this week, now is a good time to sell high and rebalance your portfolio. Sell some of your stocks at today's high prices and buy some fixed-income bonds to regain your original portfolio allocation between stocks and bonds. Read the full article at: http://www.fool.com/investing/2016/07/14/what-are-fixed-income-investments.aspx


  1. Happy Spring Everyone! Enclosed is an audio podcast we hope you enjoy. Tom discusses the first quarter of 2015 investment results and some thoughts about what we might expect going forward. Steve and Jill review the basic requirements for IRA holders once they turn 70 1/2 and must begin taking Required Minimum Distributions from their accounts. We hope you enjoy listening to the podcast and welcome any comments, questions, or future topics you might find helpful. Disclosure: Please remember that discussions on the podcast are not to be taken as specific investment advice. Always consult with...

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