June 17, 2014

Wedding take bit out of retirement savings

“The average cost of a wedding now is $30,000. Carla Fried writes that the opportunity costs are high. A 50-something mom and dad who pay that much for a wedding are forgoing $62,000 of retirement security 15 years later. If the bride and groom pay, especially if they do it on credit, they'll suffer an even bigger hit.” Read the details:
Marrying Money: Big Day, Big Hit to Your Retirement by Carla Fried:


  1. The average cost of a wedding now is $30,000. Carla Fried writes that the opportunity costs are high. A 50-something mom and dad who pay that much for a wedding are forgoing $62,000 of retirement security 15 years later. know more

  2. If the bride and groom pay, especially if they do it on credit, they'll suffer an even bigger hit.” Read the details: do you retirement planning now


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