March 21, 2018

Looking for savings options that pay more than 1/10th of 1%?

Check out Jean Chatzky's advice on where to find the best savings options today, "How to grow your savings and reach your short term goals faster," at:
"Although the average savings accounts are (as we noted) paying peanuts, the best are paying almost 20 times that much. You just have to search for them on a website like or"
High yield checking accounts pay even more than savings accounts because "they make their money on swipe fees. Right now, for example, Blue Credit Union is paying 4% on balances of up to $15,000. Keep close to that in the account for a year and you've netted $600."

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm not a woman, your financial planning tips work perfectly for me too. Thank you for sharing additional links and facts as well, it helps a lot.


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