March 22, 2018

How NOT to spend your income tax refund... IF you receive a refund

"Gambling, investing in cryptocurrency or backing a friend's new venture are among the worst possible ways to spend a tax refund, writes Geoff Williams" in US News and World Report.See;

The 5 Worst Ways You Can Spend Your Tax Refund 

 Much better options: pay down credit card debt, pay down other debts like car loans and student loans. Build up your emergency fund by buying I-bonds with your refund. If you've already received your refund, wait until May 1 (for higher rates) and buy I-bonds directly from the U.S Treasury. Check out:
Current  rates: 2.58% for bonds issued November 2017 – April 2018. Starting May 1 rates are likely to be higher because the Federal Reserve Board is raising interest rates as the economy recovers from the Great Recession.


  1. Thanks for giving ways that an individual may apply to spend their tax refund.
    Women Financial Empowerment

  2. You've got a point as to backing up a friend's venture, but investing in something more promising is quite an option. I liked how Richard Parker covers this topic. There are always ways to make it less risky and more likely to work out.


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