April 29, 2016

Ignore hidden investment fees at your peril

Too often investors ignore the hidden fees in their retirement accounts, assuming that their employer or financial salesperson has their best interests at heart. Don't be so naive!  "Most people understand the basics of retirement planning. You set aside money to invest and save every month, and you keep daily expenses in check. Sounds pretty simple, right?
Not exactly. Even with a plan in place and the best intentions, you could be one of millions of Americans giving up hundreds of thousands of dollars in hidden fees. But how do you know? If you're saving for retirement with one of the leading brokerage firms, the answer is that you're probably losing retirement income to fees." Read the details by Bill Harris at: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/04/26/how-hidden-fees-can-crack-that-nest-egg.html
Cracked eggs

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