September 8, 2022

Should you update your iPhone? (or any other phone brand)

 Save money and help the environment by only getting a new smartphone when it’s necessary.

"A new smartphone is a major purchase that can cost anywhere from $200 to $2,000. The companies that make and sell the devices would like you to believe it’s necessary to shell out for a new one every couple of years. In reality, a smartphone can live a long and fulfilling life with proper maintenance and, if needed, a few repairs" according to Washington Post writers Kelly and Alcanterra. 

5 questions to help you decide whether to update: 

  1. How old is your phone?
  2. Is anything wrong with your phone?
  3. How important is camera quality to you?
  4. What features are you currently missing and willing to spend money for?
  5. How important is it that you be seen with the newest phone?   

You likely need a WP subscription to access quiz that will help you answer the question of whether to buy a new phone. But even if you don't have access, the 5 questions can help you decide whether to fork out the money and increase your environmental impact.

Free photos of Iphone

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