April 6, 2017

Are you financially ready to retire?

Find out if you are financially ready to retire with the help of Walter Updegrave, writer for CNN Money. The article contains links to useful calculators to help answer the question. Set up and start living on a retirement spending plan, estimate your longevity (how long will retirement last?), and find out how likely it is that your money will last as long as you. http://money.cnn.com/2017/04/05/retirement/ready-to-retire/index.html
For plenty of excellent resources on retirement planning check out Real Deal Retirement: http://realdealretirement.com/

1 comment:

  1. We always look for easy ways and wait for the miracle to come. You may never win a lottery but you can provide your own financial security if you will choose the right job that will provide you benefits in your golden ages. Also I am sure that despite the benefits we still have to save at least 10% of a monthly income to our retirement savings account. I do not really want to use easy and quick cash online when I will be old, I want to travel and live a full life so now I do my best for that!


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