February 21, 2016

Can you pass this retirement quiz? (only 5 questions)

Older Americans are very confident about their retirement prospects.  However, the results of a survey of their retirement knowledge suggests many are over confident. "What’s striking about the poor results is that the quiz takers were a select and relatively well-off group: 60- to 75-year-olds with at least $100,000 in financial assets, excluding their home equity. A majority of them also have a financial adviser. One would think that people with both investment and retirement experience would do better. This also raises the question of what the quiz results say about the financial outlook for retirees with fewer advantages." (thanks to Squared Away Blog).  To take the 5 questions quiz and learn more about retirement, go to: http://squaredawayblog.bc.edu/squared-away/can-you-pass-this-retirement-quiz/ 

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