April 17, 2012

Prepare for an earthquake

Besides being Equal Pay Day (focusing on gender pay inequality) and tax day, in Utah we practiced "duck, cover, and hold on" as part of the "Utah Shake Out" to prepare for the inevitable quake. Now that you've identified safe places within each room in your house and in your workplace, it's time to prepare (or check and update) a disaster supply kit, secure your water heater, move heavy items to lower shelves, attach your bookcases to the wall, and prepare your financial kit with the help of this website:
http://beready.utah.gov/beready/earthquakePreparedness.html Although the list of what needs to be done can be intimidating, set a goal of accomplishing one task each week. Write it on your calendar and enlist the help and cooperation of family and encourage your friends to prepare as well. Check out the blog post on the "Grab & Go" kit, too. Print the one page 72-hour kit checklist and get to work: http://beready.utah.gov/beready/family/documents/72-hourchecklist.pdf

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