October 25, 2023

Time to start holiday shopping

To spend less money on holiday shopping, get it done ASAP

Michelle Singletary, personal finance writer for the Washington Post, says it's time to start holiday shopping to get the best deals. Yikes! It's not even Halloween. I cringed when I saw Christmas decorations and displays in a store recently. Sigh.  But if you are one of those people who buys a lot of holiday gifts... now is the time. 

It's also a good time to remind readers that so many gifts are unappreciated by the recipient and returned to the retailer and that gifts of experiences are remembered and appreciated more than gifts of goods.

Singletary suggests there are five types of shoppers. Which are you, and has it served you well?

  1. Overspender
  2. A gift for you, one for me

  3. Bargain hunter

  4. Last-minute shopper

  5. Early bird

 Check out the full article for details.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/10/25/spend-less-money-holiday-shopping-get-it-done-asap/?template-name=%7B%7Bletter.config.name%7D%7D&utm_campaign=wp_personal_finance&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_finance

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