July 16, 2021

What to Do When a Loved One Dies

"Settling a deceased family member's affairs is not a one-person task. You'll need the help of others, ranging from professionals like lawyers or CPAs, who can advise you on financial matters, to a network of friends and relatives, to whom you can delegate tasks or lean on for emotional support." f

To Do Immediately After Someone Dies

Get a legal pronouncement of death

Tell friends and family

Find out about existing funeral and burial plans

Within a Few Days of Death

Make funeral, burial or cremation arrangements

Secure the property

Provide care for pets

Forward mail

Notify your family member's employer

Two Weeks After Death

Secure certified copies of death certificates

Find the will and the executor

Meet with a trusts and estates attorney

Contact a CPA

Take the will to probate

Make an inventory of all assets

Track down assets

Make a list of bills

Cancel services no longer needed

Notify the following of your loved one's death:

• The Social Security Administration

• Life insurance companies

• Banks, financial institutions

• Financial advisers, stockbrokers

• Credit agencies

Cancel driver's license

Close credit card accounts

Terminate insurance policies

Delete or memorialize social media accounts

Close email accounts (& social media)

Life will be so much easier for our survivors if we gather this information, prepare a will and letter of last instruction and provide guidance on your wishes.





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