February 18, 2021

Do you know the details on how credit cards work?

 Check out this resource:

How Do Credit Cards Work?


It's a great short lesson for newcomers to credit cards and a reminder for people who have been using credit cards for years. Learn how to be an effective credit card user, including how to improve your credit score.  Following are some tips. get the details at the URL above.

·  Pay your balance in full every month.

·  Always pay your bill on time.

·  Check your account regularly.

·  Set up account notifications.

·  Create a budget and stick to it.

·  Use your credit card rewards.

The simplest way to be sure to pay your bill on time is to set up an automatic payment. Set up a budget and don't exceed that amount; be sure the money is in your checking account. Besides avoiding late fees, this method will also avoid interest, which can be hefty.

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