September 7, 2020

Are you really ready to retire? Mapping Out a Fulfilling Retirement

Thanks Kim Blanton, author of The Squared Away Blog for these posts. Check out

"A big part of retiring is letting go of what can be a strong identification with work, and people are reluctant to give that up." Here is some help...

Boomers typically must go through four tasks as they transition to a satisfying retirement:

Decide to retire. Mapping Out a Fulfilling Retirement:

Detach from work. Retirement is Liberating – and Hard Work:

Explore a new life structure.
the adjustment to retirement can be a difficult period.  the typical baby boomer comes to retirement with no more than an idea or two about how they might spend their time.

Consolidate a new life structure. Putting together the pieces of a satisfying retirement life requires setting priorities and following through on them with determination. 



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