October 14, 2019

How a kid’s allowance can teach money management skills

"Teaching children about money management is a big job for parents. Money talk often starts by paying an allowance. According to new research from the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), two-thirds of parents (66%) give their child an allowance at an average of $30 a week. An allowance is just part of a larger conversation about effective financial management. Parents must make sure the lessons sink in."

"The good news is that nearly half of parents (49%) say they take time to teach their child about money at least once a week. However, nearly a third (32%) say they only teach their children about money no more than once a month, including the 7% who admit they never teach their kids about money."

Of course, much of what children learn about money management from their parents comes from daily observation. Parents who think they don't teach their children financial lessons are kidding themselves.

The article explains how parents can make decisions about how much allowance to give, which should vary with age. Ideas on how to teach children prudent money skills are also addressed. Check out: https://blog.aicpa.org/2019/10/how-a-kids-allowance-can-teach-money-management-skills.html#sthash.ymIVwxYO.dpbs

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