Jointly sponsored by South Dakota State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and Montana
State University Extension, the 2015-2016 Solid Finances
schedule will consist of 18 sessions, with the first session on October 7th.
The first 12 sessions will focus on issues for residents of all states. The
final six sessions will focus on issues specific to participants from these
three states. Solid Finances will feature 10 different presenters sharing
their expertise and answering your questions.
October 7: Saving Money
& Finding Spending Leaks
Oct. 14 & 21: Home
Buying and Emergency
Savings. (2 sessions)
Oct. 28: Financial Records
Organization: Preparing for Emergencies & Disasters.
Retirement Planning will be the focus of several sessions in December. For a
complete schedule visit:
The webinars are free but you need to register:
webinars are recorded; past sessions are available at: