July 17, 2011

10 Steps to Prepare for Retirement

10 steps to retirement from AARP
  1. Define Your Retirement
  2. Take Stock of Your "Assets"

  3. Evaluate Your Health — Now

  4. Determine When to Collect Social Security

  5. Network Through Social Media and Other Methods

  6. Decide How Much You Want (or Need) to Work

  7. Create a Retirement Budget

  8. Find New Ways to Cut Your Expenses (Start Saving More)

  9. Prepare for the Unexpected

  10. Stick to Your Plan (Our Community Can Help)

Read the details at: http://www.aarp.org/readyforretirement

Social Security Benefits Calculator- When to claim

Deciding when to claim SS retirement benefits is critical to one's long range financial security and much more complex than most people imagine. It is NOT simply a matter of deciding at what age one will retire and start benefits, especially for someone who is currently married,widowed or divorced. Here is a link to a great tool to explain the options and help decide. 
"AARP announced the launch of its Social Security Benefits Calculator, a unique interactive tool designed to help people make the complex but critical decision of what is the best age to claim Social Security benefits to meet their financial goals. The calculator is part of AARP’s new “Ready for Retirement?” effort, a ten-step approach to envisioning and planning for a secure retirement, which includes creating a budget and preparing for the unexpected."

AARP Press Release AARP Launches Social Security Benefits Calculator
To try out the new AARP Social Security Benefits Calculator, visit www.aarp.org/socialsecuritybenefits
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